The WIDESPREAD INFO POINTS project involves the commercial and productive fabric of the territory making it an active part in expanding the possibility for visitors and tourists to receive information on places to visit, itineraries, initiatives and events of all the municipalities involved: Monte San Pietro,
Valsamoggia, Zola Predosa and Casalecchio di Reno. The selected realities receive visibility on site and on all communication material.one.
In this article you will be able to find all the Widespread Info Points distributed throughout the territory di Reno Lavino Samoggia who are ready to welcome you and tell you what the area has to offer. Find out below where you can find them in municipalities of Casalecchio di Reno, Monte San Pietro, Valsamoggia and Zola Predosto.
Casalecchio di Reno Info Point
Paths of Peace Association
Via dei Canonici 8, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. 051 6198744 - casaperlapace.it@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Friday from 16.00 to 18.00
Site: Paths di Pace
Municipal Theater Laura Betti
Piazza del Popolo, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. ticket office 051 570977 | Tel. offices 051 573557 -info@teatrocasalecchio.it | biglietteria@teatrocasalecchio.it
Hours and days: Ticket Office Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 15.30 to 18.00
Site:Municipal Theater Laura Betti
Nena House Museum
Via del Lavoro 46, Casaelcchio di Reno
Tel. 351 5355800 - info@museonena.it | didactic@museonena.it
Hours and days: from Wednesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00
Site:Nena House Museum
Emilia Travel
Via Porrettana 7612, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. 051591430 - info@gruppoemiliaviaggi.it
Hours and days: Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00
Site:Emilia Travel
B&B Ca di Trittoni
Via Isonzo 46, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. 327 8825722 - caditrittoni@gmail.com
Hours and days: closed from 30 December to 6 January and from 1 to 31 August
Site:Ca di Trittoni
Tramway restaurant
Via Marconi 31, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. 051 575044 - info@tramvia.it
Hours and days: from 12.30 to 14.30 and from 19.30 to 22.30
Site:Tramway restaurant
Sports tailors
Piazza John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1, Casalecchio di Reno
Tel. 051 576069 - info@sartisport.org
Hours and days: Monday to Saturday from 09.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19.30 closed Thursday afternoon e Sunday
Site:Sports tailors
Monte San Pietro Info Point
La Casola restaurant
Via San Martino 22, Monte San Pietro
Tel. 051 6761630 - lacasolabio@gmail.com
Hours and days: Wednesday to Friday from 17.00 to 24.00 and Saturday e Sunday from 08.00 to 24.00
Site:The Organic Casola
Two of Spades Café
Via Lavino 419/A, Monte San Pietro
Tel. 051 6769530 - duedipicchedama@libero.it
Hours and days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 05.30 to 15.00, Saturday and Sunday from 05.30 to 13.00 closed on Tuesdays
Site:Two of Spades Café
Not just Tobacco
Via Lavino 284, Monte San Pietro
Tel. 0516769574 - nonsolotabacchi95@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Saturday from 06.00 to 19.00 and Sunday from 06.00 to 12.30
Abbey bar
Via Lavino 427, Monte San Pietro
Tel. 0516768366 - barbadia427@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Saturday from 06.00 to 20.00
Site:Abbey bar
La Carapina ice cream shop
Via Lavino 181/A, Monte San Pietro
Tel. 0516760439 - info@lacarapina.it
Hours and days: Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 20.00 and Saturday and question from 10.00 to 20.00
Site: Ice cream shop la Carapina
Info Point Valsamoggia
White Paper Library
Via Borgo Romano 12, Bazzano (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 051830270 - cartabiancalibreria@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Saturday 09.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 19.30
Site:White Paper Library
Rocca dei Bentivoglio Foundation
Via Contessa Matilde 10, Bazzano (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 051836442 - segreteria@roccadeibentivoglio.it
Hours and days: Tuesday to Friday from 15.00 to 19.00 and Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00 closed on Monday
Site: Rocca dei Bentivoglio Foundation
Castle of Serravalle
The delights of the castle
Piazza della Pace 12, Castelletto ( Castle of Serravalle Valsamoggia)
Tel. 0516704889 - ledeliziedelcastello08@gmail.com
Hours and days: every day from 06.30 to 22.00 closed il Monday, Tuesday and Sunday afternoon
Site: The delights of the castle
Agriturismo Ca Isotta
Via Provvidenza 547, Castle of Serravalle (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 0516703113 - info@caisotta.it
Hours and days: farm and agritourism (overnight stay) always open all day long, agritourism open at the weekend on Friday from 19.00 to 23.00 and Saturday from 12.00 to 16.00 and from 19.00 to 23.00 and Sunday 12.00 to 16.00
Site: Agriturismo Ca Isotta
Lele Restaurant and Catering
Peace Square 9, Crespellano (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 051960000 - info@lelecatering.it
Hours and days: from Sunday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.30 and from Wednesday to Sunday from 19.00 to 22.00
Site: Lele Restaurant and Catering
Osteria Clo Filomenain collaboration with La Mancina
Via Montebudello 33, Monteveglio (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 051831301 - osteriaclo@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Friday 19.30 to 22.00 Saturday from 12.30 to 15.30 and from 19.30 to 23.00 and Sunday from 12.30 to 16.00 and from 19.30 to 22.00 closed on Wednesdays
Site: Osteria Clo Filomena
Il Pand'oro - School of Bread
Via della Libertà 7/11, Savigno (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 0516700062 - ilpandoroscuoladipane@gmail.com
Hours and days: Monday to Sunday from 07.00 to 13.00, il Friday and on Saturday also open from 16.30 to 19.00 closed on Thursday
Site: The Pand'oro - School of Bread
Proloco Savigno in collaboration with Valsamoggia Bike and Amerigo
Via Marconi 29, Savigno (Valsamoggia)
Tel. 348 8839413 - proloco.savigno@gmai.com
Hours and days: Tuesday morning from 09.00 to 12.00. Every second Sunday of the month, from March to December, from 09.00 to 18.00
Site:Proloco Savigno
Info Point Zola Predosa
Gaggioli Farm - Borgo delle Vigne Farmhouse
Via Raibolini 55, Zola Predosa
Tel. 051753489 - info@gaggiolivini.it
Hours and days: Direct sale of wine from 08.00 to 17.00 and holidays by reservation. Farmhouse always open.
Site:Gaggioli farm
Ca La Ghironda
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 19, Ponte Ronca (Zola Predosa)
Tel. 051757419 - info@ghironda.it
Hours and days: Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 19.00
Site:Ca la Ghironda
Proloco Zola Predosa
Via Albergati 2, Zola Predosa
Tel. 051755002 - info@prolocozola.it
Hours and days: Monday and Thursday from 09.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00
Site:Proloco Zola Predosa
Info Point They talk about us
Ercole the program that talks about culture, environment, territories of the Emilia-Romagna Region has made a video on the project not to lose itClick here,
For the totems and counter displays, a special thanks to Pro Loco network.